You can read the Project Report and Introduction to the Blueprint or watch these webinars to learn more about the ELAP project. Each webinar is approximately 1 hour in length.
Because of the large file size, these may take a few minutes to start playing. Thank you for your patience.The Entry-Level Analysis Project (ELAP) is a research project initiated by the Coalition of National Massage Therapy Organizations in March 2012. The project goals were to define knowledge and skill components of entry-level education and recommend the minimum number of hours schools should teach to prepare graduates for safe and competent practice in the massage profession. Completed in December of 2013, the project published two documents, which describes ELAP work group findings and recommendations. Read the Coalition Statement in response to the project and review The Core: Entry-Level Analysis Project Report (Final Report) and The Core: Entry-Level Massage Education Blueprint (the Blueprint) available to download on this website. Alternately, you can watch informational webinars about the project.